

Last modified: 16. August 2023



Name Title Department E-mail
Ádám Benedek Horváth Assistant Lecturer Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing horvath.adam.benedek@uni-mate.hu
Ágoston Temesi, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Business and Economics temesi.agoston@uni-mate.hu
Andrea Bene, Dr. Associate Professor   bene.andrea@uni-mate.hu
Andrea Herneczky, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Management and Leadership Sciences herneczky.andrea@uni-mate.hu
Angéla Szanati Assistant Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy szanati.angela@uni-mate.hu
Anita Boros, Dr. Associate Professor Department of International Regulation and Business Law boros.anita@uni-mate.hu
Annamária Kovács, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing kovacs.annamaria@uni-mate.hu
Aranka Mészáros, Dr. habil Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Management and Leadership Sciences meszaros.aranka@uni-mate.hu
Arnold Csonka, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Data Processing and Data Analysis csonka.arnold@uni-mate.hu
Attila Farkas, Dr. habil Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Management and Leadership Sciences farkas.attila@uni-mate.hu
Attila Moizs, Dr. Senior Lecturer Department of International Regulation and Business Law moizs.attila@uni-mate.hu
Attila Pintér Master Teacher Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing pinter.attila@uni-mate.hu
Attila Zsolt Kovács, PhD Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Business and Economics kovacs.attila.zsolt@uni-mate.hu
Balázs Gyenge, PhD Associate Professor Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing gyenge.balazs@uni-mate.hu
Bátai-Brix Ágnes Assistant Lecturer Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing batai-brix.agnes@uni-mate.hu
Beatrix Turzai-Horányi, Dr. Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Business and Economics turzai-horanyi.beatrix@uni-mate.hu
Brigitta Plasek, Dr. Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Business and Economics plasek.brigitta@uni-mate.hu
Csaba Borbély, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy borbely.csaba@uni-mate.hu
Csaba Székely, PhD Professor Emeritus Department of Agricultural Business and Economics szekely.csaba@uni-mate.hu
Emese Bruder, PhD Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Data Processing and Data Analysis bruder.emese@uni-mate.hu
Emese Tatár Assistant Lecturer Department of Agricultural Business and Economics tatar.emese@uni-mate.hu
Enikő Lencsés, PhD Associate Professor Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing lencses.eniko@uni-mate.hu
Ervin Holló, Dr. Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Business and Economics hollo.ervin@uni-mate.hu
Éva Mónika Szendrő Assistant Lecturer Department of Agricultural Business and Economics szendro.eva.monika@uni-mate.hu
Éva Tóth, PhD Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy toth.eva@uni-mate.hu
Gábor Lukács, PhD Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy lukacs.gabor@uni-mate.hu
Gábor Szabó-Szentgróti, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Management and Leadership Sciences szabo-szentgroti.gabor@uni-mate.hu
Gabriella Bánhegyi, PhD Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy banhegyi.gabriella@uni-mate.hu
Győző Demeter, PhD Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy demeter.gyozo@uni-mate.hu
Ildikó Rudnák, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Management and Leadership Sciences rudnak.ildiko@uni-mate.hu
Imre Fertő, Dr. Professor Department of Agricultural Data Processing and Data Analysis ferto.imre@uni-mate.hu
István Dedák, Dr. College Professor Department of Economics and Natural Resources dedak.istvan@uni-mate.hu
István Fehér, Dr. Professor Emeritus Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy feher.istvan@uni-mate.hu
István Réthy, Dr. College Professor Department of Agricultural Management and Leadership Sciences rethy.istvan@uni-mate.hu
János Papp, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing papp.janos@uni-mate.hu
József Lehota, PhD Professor Emeritus Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing lehota.jozsef@uni-mate.hu
József Poór, PhD Professor Emeritus Department of Agricultural Management and Leadership Sciences poor.jozsef@uni-mate.hu
Judit Bilinovics-Sipos Assistant Lecturer Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing bilinovics-sipos.judit@uni-mate.hu
Judit Garamvölgyi, Dr. Assistant Lecturer Department of Agricultural Management and Leadership Sciences garamvolgyi.judit@uni-mate.hu
Judit Villányi, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Economics and Natural Resources villanyi.judit@uni-mate.hu​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Károly Salgó-Nemes Master Teacher Department of Agricultural Management and Leadership Sciences salgo-nemes.karoly@uni-mate.hu
Katalin Gulácsy, PhD Master Teacher Department of International Regulation and Business Law gulacsy.katalin@uni-mate.hu
Katalin Szabó, PhD Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Management and Leadership Sciences szabo.katalin@uni-mate.hu
Katalin Szendrő, PhD Associate Professor Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing szendro.katalin@uni-mate.hu
Katalin Tóth, PhD Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Management and Leadership Sciences toth.kata@uni-mate.hu
Katinka Bajkai-Tóth, Dr. Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Management and Leadership Sciences bajkai-toth.katinka@uni-mate.hu
Kornélia Mészáros, Dr. Senior Lecturer Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing meszaros.kornelia@uni-mate.hu
Krisztina Bence-Kiss, Dr. Senior Lecturer Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing bence-kiss.krisztina@uni-mate.hu
Krisztina Taralik, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing taralik.krisztina@uni-mate.hu
László Lőkös, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Economics and Natural Resources lokos.laszlo@uni-mate.hu
Vértesy Laszló, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Economics and Natural Resources vertesy.laszlo@uni-mate.hu
Lívia Benita Kiss, Dr. Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy kiss.livia.benita@uni-mate.hu
Miklós Dús Master Teacher Department of Agricultural Management and Leadership Sciences dus.miklos@uni-mate.hu
Mónika Zita Nagy, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Data Processing and Data Analysis nagy.monika.zita@uni-mate.hu
Mrs. Bogó Zsuzsanna Tóth, Dr. Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Business and Economics bogone.toth.zsuzsanna@uni-mate.hu
Mrs. Farkas Mária Fekete, PhD Professor Department of Economics and Natural Resources farkasne.fekete.maria@uni-mate.hu
Mrs. Ildikó Oszterhuber-Bartus, Dr. Assistant Lecturer Department of Agricultural Business and Economics oszterhuberne.bartus.ildiko@uni-mate.hu
Mrs. Nagy Kinga Pércsi, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy nagyne.percsi.kinga@uni-mate.hu
Mrs. Olsovszky Andrea Némedi, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing olsovszkyne.nemedi.andrea@uni-mate.hu
Mrs. Szabó Andrea Benedek, PhD Associate Professor Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing szabone.benedek.andrea@uni-mate.hu
Mrs. Urbán Ágnes Treutz Assistant Lecturer Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing urbanne-treutz.agnes@uni-mate.hu
Nikoletta Fülöp, PhD Associate Professor Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing fulop.nikoletta@uni-mate.hu
Noémi Fiser Assistant Lecturer Department of Agricultural Business and Economics fiser.noemi@uni-mate.hu
Norbert Bozsik, Dr. habil College Professor Department of Economics and Natural Resources bozsik.norbert@uni-mate.hu
Olga Schuck- Markó, Dr. Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Business and Economics marko.olga@uni-mate.hu
Orsolya Fehér, PhD Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Business and Economics feher.orsolya@uni-mate.hu
Péter Kollár, PhD Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Management and Leadership Sciences kollar.peter@uni-mate.hu
Péter Szálteleki Assistant Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy szalteleki.peter@uni-mate.hu
Samir Zaien, Dr. Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy zaien.samir@uni-mate.hu
Szergej Vinogradov, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Data Processing and Data Analysis vinogradov.szergej@uni-mate.hu
Szilvia Domán, PhD Associate Professor Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing doman.szilvia@uni-mate.hu
Tamás Erdélyi, PhD Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Business and Economics erdelyi.tamas@uni-mate.hu
Tibor László Csegődi, Dr. Assistant Lecturer Department of International Regulation and Business Law csegodi.tibor.laszlo@uni-mate.hu
Virág Walter, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Management and Leadership Sciences walter.virag@uni-mate.hu​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Tibor Pupos , PhD Professor Emeritus Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy pupos.tibor@uni-mate.hu
Viktoria Szente, PhD Professor Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing szente.viktoria@uni-mate.hu
Júlia Zita Fodor, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Business and Economics fodor.zita.julia@uni-mate.hu
Zoltán Csákay, PhD Master Teacher Department of International Regulation and Business Law csakay.zoltan@uni-mate.hu
Zoltán Horváth, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Business and Economics horvath.zoltan@uni-mate.hu
Zoltán István Kator, PhD Senior Lecturer Department of International Regulation and Business Law kator.zoltan.istvan@uni-mate.hu
Zoltán Szira, Dr. habil Associate Professor Department of International Regulation and Business Law szira.zoltan@uni-mate.hu
Zsolt István Hollósy, Dr. Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy hollosy.zsolt.istvan@uni-mate.hu
Zsolt Sándor Kőműves, PhD Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Management and Leadership Sciences komuves.zsolt.sandor@uni-mate.hu
Zsuzsanna Bacsi, PhD Professor Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy bacsi.zsuzsanna@uni-mate.hu
Zsuzsanna Lehota, PhD Senior Lecturer Department of Agrarlogistic, Trade and Marketing lehota.zsuzsanna@uni-mate.hu