Olga Schuck-Markó, Dr.

Olga Schuck-Markó, Dr.

Last modified: 19. October 2022

Dr. Olga Schuck-Markó
Senior lecturer
PhD, 2014
tel.: +36 27 522 000 / 2011
e-mail: marko.olga@uni-mate.hu

​​​​​Title of organization: Department of Agricultural Business and Economics

Professional experience:

  • 2002 – 2003: technical assistant
  • 2003 – 2006: assistant lecturer
  • 2007 – 2016: MBA program manager
  • 2006 – at present: senior lecturer

Degree: Szent István University, Master’s degree, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Academic specialization: Finance

Fields of research:

  • Competitiveness of the Hungarian Mustard Market
  • Competitiveness of enterprises
  • Hungarian Insurance Market, Liability Insurances

SZIE Babérkoszorú silver degree
SZIE Babérkoszorú gold degree

​​​​​​​PhD Studies information: LINK
Publication data: LINK

Taught courses:
Enterprise management
Basics of Insurance
Investment Apraisal
Selectable thesis topics:
Analysing the micro- and macro environment of a chosen enterprise.
Analysing the strategic plan of a choosen enterprise.
Analysing the competitiveness and competitive environment of a chosen enterprise.
Role of the business liability insurance in enterprises life as a risk management method.
Analysing of a choosen Insurance Company.
Comparative analysis of Insurance Companies.