Brigitta Plasek, Dr.

Brigitta Plasek, Dr.

Last modified: 14. October 2022

​​​​​​​Dr. Brigitta Plasek
assistant professor
PhD, 2022     
tel.: +36 1 305 7100 / 6259

While my teaching covers a wide range of economic subjects, my research covers a narrower segment of these topics. My favourite part of my work is research. As a food engineer, food is also the focus of my professional interest and research: consumer behaviour towards food is the main takes the focus of my research.
Name of the department: Department of Agricultural Business and Economics

•    Szent István University (later MATE) – Technical assistant (2018 november – 2021 march)
•    Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem – Assistant lecturer (2021 april – 2022 june)
•    Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem – Assistant professor (2022 july –)
Education, qualifications:
•    Food engineering Bsc – Corvinus University Budapest, 2011-2014
•    Food engineering, Msc – Szent István Universtiy, 2014-2017
•    Doctoral School of  Economic and Regional Sciences – Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 2017-2022
Research, field of activity:
•    consumer behaviour
•    marketing
•    food marketing

Information on doctoral studies:  LINK
Details of publications:  LINK

​​​​​​​Subjects taught:
•    Üzemszervezéstan és gazdaságtan
•    Farm Management
•    Food Industry Management
•    Élelmiszeripari menedzsment
•    Mérnöki gazdaságtan
•    Marketing
•    Agrarmanagement
•    Marketing of biotechnology products
•    Quality project management
•    Horticultural marketing and quality management