
Ádám Horváth

Last modified: 13. October 2022

Ádám Horváth
Assistant Lecturer
tel.: +36 28 522-000 / 1996
e-mail: horvath.adam.benedek@uni-mate.hu

My professional interests are film and marketing, and I try to learn as much as I can about all the various ways they intersect.

Title of organization: Department of Agricultural Logistics, Trade and Marketing

Professional experience:
•    Murray State University, Murray, KY USA: PhD Research Scholar
•    Szent István University: PhD Student as full time employee
•    Invitel Távközlési Zrt.: Sales Administration
•    Abfox Internet Marketing Tanácsadó Kft.: Internship on the field of Online Marketing
•    Szent István University: Economist (Master of Marketing)
•    Szent István University: Economist (Bachelor of Commerce and Marketing)

Field of research:
•    Movies (and television shows) as service-products
•    Movie consumption behavior
•    Trends in relation to movie consumption
•    Streaming services
•    Grassalkovich Grant
•    ICOM Best Paper
•    Faculty TDK 2nd place
•    Szent István University Doctoral and Habilitation Centre TDK Special Award

PhD Studies information: LINK
Publication data: LINK

Taught courses:
•    Agricultural Marketing
•    Business Marketing
•    Marketing
•    Marketing Systems in Decision Making
•    Marketing Systems in Decision Making (Advanced)
•    Marketing of Biotechnological Products
•    Basics of Marketing Research
•    Market Research
•    Software in Marketing
•    Software in Marketing Research
Selectable thesis topics:
•    Presentation of a company's marketing activities and consumer perception
•    Exploring the use of film merchandising and how it is perceived by consumers
•    Examining the use of product placement and its impact on consumer behavior
•    Examining the impact of loyalty cards on consumer behavior
•    Examination of consumer behavior related to cultural consumption (film, television)