Katinka Bajkai-Tóth

Katinka Bajkai-Tóth

Last modified: 05. May 2023

Dr. Katinka Bajkai-Tóth
assistant professor
​​​​​​​PhD, 2023
tel.:+36 20 574 4760
e-mail: bajkai-toth.katinka@uni-mate.hu

It is a pleasure to teach at this University, where I am completing my studies. The subjects I teach and the thesis topics I write also mark my field of research. As a consultant, I look forward to hearing from students so that we can produce great theses!
​​​​​​​Name of department:
Department of Agricultural Management and Leadership Sciences
Professional experience: Gödöllő Mayor's Office - Budget Office

Education, qualifications:
- Szent István University GSZDI 2018-2022 PhD training
- Szent István University 2005-2010 Degree in Economics, Business Administration Management, Human Resource Management

Research, field of activity:
Labour market, employee competencies, corporate communication

Publication record: LINK

Courses taught:
- Labour market skills
- Labour Market: Labour Market Management
- Management and labour market management

Optional thesis topics:
- Labour market challenges: employee competences, managerial competences, integration of foreign workers
- Intra-organisational communication