Arab World Food Market Research Group

Arab World Food Market Research Group

Last modified: 12. October 2022

Arab World Food Market Research Group

The research group was established to study food production and trade activities in Arab countries.
We aim to look at the potential ways to mobilize scientific human resources to analyze situations and propose solutions in the field of sustainable food production and marketing.
People need food, and they want to eat every day. In our globalized word, ensuring food security is a complex and complicated package of economic, social, and environmental elements that needs policies and regulations depending on the specificities of the countries.
To meet the objectives, the members of the research group is going to use different research methods and tools. They will participate in brainstorming sessions, discussions and meetings and they will get involved in tutoring and advisory activities to help young researchers to develop research and innovation competences including writing research reports, papers and to learn more about the dissemination process.

Main objectives:
Provide relevant research opportunities to lecturers, researchers, students, and any other persons who are interested in research into the sustainability and trade issues of Arab countries.
Identify publication opportunities and support the publication of the scientific papers in relevant journals and books.
​​​​​​​Build and reenforce cooperation and collaboration, as well as professional networking at an international level.
Encourage and help participants to take part in international scientific events, education programs and internship training to develop their key competencies, as well as their dissemination and science communication skills.

Additional objectives:
​​​​​​​Developing and increasing national and international public relations and reputation for the newly established MATE higher education institution.
Representing and supporting joint research and education programs with comparable institutions.
Facilitating and forming multinational and multicultural relations and experience among the group members and helping to implement and using in their own countries.

​​​​​​​Dr. István Fehér professor
Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
​​​​​​​Head of Research Group