Szergej Vinogradov, Dr.

Szergej Vinogradov, Dr.

Last modified: 17. October 2022

​​​​​​​Dr. Szergej Vinogradov
associate professor
PhD, 2009
tel.: +36 20 313 2228

Both in the agricultural and social sciences, I deal with statistical analyses and teaching statistical methodology. It is my goal to explain statistical concepts and methods as clearly as possible, illustrating them with many examples, and placing emphasis on how to interpret the results of the calculation.

Organizational unit: Department of Agricultural Data Processing and Data Analysis

Professional experience:

  • From February 1, 2021: associate professor, Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences
  • July 1, 2012 – January 31, 2021: associate professor, Szent István University
  • July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2012: assistant professor, Szent István University
  • February 20, 2006 - June 30, 2008: departmental engineer, Szent István University
  • Other assignments, scientific organizational memberships:
  • Since 2020: Studia Mundi - Economica journal: editorial board member
  • Since 2019: methodological and professional head of Graduate Track Tracking System at Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (former Szent István University)
  • Since 2016: Vadyba/ International Journal of Management: editorial board member
  • Since 2015: Public Board Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • Since 2008: member of the "Gazdálkodás" Friends' Circle
  • Since 2005: member of the Association of Polish Agricultural Economists (SERiA)
  • 2010-2019: methodological head of Szent István University's Graduate Track Tracking System
  • 2014-2020: head of department (Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Institute of Economics, Law and Methodology, Department of Economic Analysis Methodology)
  • 2012-2014: secretary of doctoral school (Szent István University, Doctoral School of Management and Organizational Sciences)

Education, qualification:

  • Szent István University, 2002-2009, PhD (management and organizational sciences)
  • Szent István University, 1997-2002, Engineer in agricultural economics, majoring in finance and accounting
  • Szent István University, 2002, advanced logistics course

Area of research and activity:

  • economic land valuation
  • graduate career tracking
  • social aspects of competitiveness
  • a work environment that supports innovation
  • organizational social capital

Awards and recognitions:

  • Institutional Outstanding Achievement Award (2022)
  • Faculty Outstanding Performance Award (2017)
  • Szent István University Laurel Wreath Silver Grade (2011)
  • Dean's Commendation (2009)

Doctoral portal information: LINK
Information about publications: LINK

​​​​​​​Educated subjects:

  • Statistics I. (BA/BSc)
  • Statistics II (BA/BSc)
  • Mathematical statistics (BA/BSc)
  • Business statistics (BA/BSc)
  • Application of statistical programs (BA/BSc)
  • Quantitative methods (MA/MSc)
  • Business analysis and methods (MBA)
  • Social research methodology (PhD)

Thesis topics to consider:

  • Employee attitudes and innovation-supportive work environment
  • The labor market situation of recent graduates
  • Performance of Hungarian micro and small businesses in terms of innovation and digital readiness